Hello, We’re Aprumo

Our Services
Here are some of our services we offer.
APRUMO dedicates all the experience acquired to shaping various architectural and construction projects in Portugal. We are always attentive to the needs of our clients and their constant evolution, we diversify the business segments and we work in the residential, industrial, commerce and services market, and the conservation and requalification of public and private buildings.
This segment of rehabilitation is gaining increasing importance in our business philosophy and our turnover. For this, it contributes the capacity that we have to respond to complementary areas of the construction, through several partnerships with activities arising and adjacent to our core, the construction, such as; waste and environmental management, electrical, hydraulic and mechanical installations, concrete and prefabricated concrete and civil construction materials, thus ensuring greater speed and efficiency in each work.
The results demonstrate that we have been able to maintain the loyalty of our business partners and customers based on a relationship of trust in our expertise, competence and responsiveness.
APRUMO assumes the excellence of the provider of specialised services of Architecture and Engineering Projects and of Inspection, Coordination and Management of Works, providing the development of the necessary actions to guarantee to the client the satisfaction of their expectations in terms of Quality, Term and Price;
In Project;
It assures the analysis, follow-up and coordination of the projects of the contracted teams.
It elaborates projects of execution, studies, measurements, specifications and tender programs,
Performs Licensing and tracking on their entities.
It assists in the bidding phase of the works and analyses the proposals submitted by the competitors.
It analyses the impact on the cost of the options taken in all the phases of project and work, advising in the management and control of costs.
It assures the coordination of all the works in order to verify the completion of the works within the anticipated term and the fulfilment of the program of works,
By using multidisciplinary teams it ensures a close coordination with the teams of designers;
It assure rigourosity in all tasks of development of the work, in the inspection, the financial control and in the scheduling.
It organises the final inspection and identification of all existing building defects and finishes.
It uses a designated team for the final check up of all the safety conditions.
It delivers substantiated reports with all the work that was delivered.